Singapore Journals: Journal of Selected Areas in Bioinformatics (JBIO)

Journal of Selected Areas in Bioinformatics (JBIO)

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Journal of Selected Areas in Bioinformatics (JBIO) accepts scientific research and review articles from diverse fields in microelectronics, including but not limited to:

  - Phylogenetic and Bio-molecular Databases
  - Bio-Ontology and Data Mining
  - Protein Structure Prediction
  - Molecular Simulation and Computational Systems
  - Molecular Evolution
  - Functional Genomics
  - Drug Discovery
  - Gene Expression Analysis
  - Biological Systems
  - Modeling, Algorithms, and Simulation of Bio-Sets
  - Biomarkers of Toxicity
  - Bio-Imaging
  - Signaling and Computation
  - Genomics and Proteomics
  - Sequence Analysis and Next Generation Sequencing
  - Structural Bioinformatics
  - Biostatistics and Bio-stochastic Models
  - Pharmaceutical Applications
  - Computational Molecular Systems
  - Chemo- and Immuno-informatics
  - Clustering, Classification, and Pattern Recognition
  - Transcriptomics
  - Structural Variations

These areas aim to target the foremost scientific peer reviewed journal encompassing diverse fields related to the cutting-edge technological advances in both academic and industrial arenas.